
20th Anniversary - Walk El Paso program

March 9, 2015

While studies showed that exercise combined with healthy food choices reduced the risk of chronic diseases, it appeared that El Paso was not following the national trend with 75% of adults not participating in any physical activity. Most sedentary group was women ages 35 to 65 years of age.

Walk El Paso was a funded initiative launched in 1998 by the Foundation to inspire and mobilize the El Paso sedentary population to begin a simple walking program. Through the development of walking material, walking groups, events and a media campaign with a “Walk El Paso walk, 20 minutes a day, 3…

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Enroll El Paso Coalition shares success of the nation's top performers

March 2, 2015

Open Enrollment to select a plan or be automatically re-enrolled in quality, affordable coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace ended February. 15, 2015. The Enroll El Paso Coalition, comprised of local agencies, assisted El Pasoans in the process for a second year. A total of 54,117 individuals during the two open enrollment periods were signed up, adding 21,432 to last year’s count.

“I am so proud of the Enroll El Paso coalition and its’ partners. I look forward to thanking each of them and congratulating them in person February 27 in El Paso,” said Marjorie Petty, Regional…

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Programs that helped the environment and health clinics

February 24, 2015

The health impact that 20 years have made in the region, is represented by many of the programs and initiatives that were developed and supported by the Paso del Norte Health Foundation to promote health and prevent disease in the region.

Below are two programs that were developed in 1997 to improve the health of the region.

Addressing the need to improve the environment of residents, the Foundation was actively involved in helping find resources for water, wastewater and hygiene problems in selective communities.

When Water Works for Health $1.7 million…

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Empowering the heart of the family

February 16, 2015

Latina women play a key role in the health and well-being of their families. Too often this burden of being the essential unifying force to support and guide the family leads to women putting aside their own needs. Research has shown that Latina women are more likely to experience symptoms of anxiety and depression and more likely to delay seeking help for such symptoms.

This health challenge is a major reason why Texas A&M Colonias Program sought assistance from Paso del Norte Health Foundation’s Think.Change initiative. Through the Think.Change initiative, Foundation partners are…

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PdN tobacco Control Network shares success at CADCA's Forum in DC

February 9, 2015

Representatives from Paso del Norte Tobacco Control Network (Network) were in Washington, D.C. to join more than 2,500 substance abuse prevention specialists and advocates throughout the country for the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America’s (CADCA) 25th Annual National Leadership Forum.

CADCA’s National Leadership Forum is the premier and largest training event for community-based substance abuse prevention professionals, coalition leaders and prevention and addiction researchers. The Forum is a four-day event packed with opportunities to learn the latest strategies to fight…

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Initiative Archive Vault open in celebration of 20th Anniverary

February 6, 2015

In celebration of the Paso del Norte Health Foundation’s 20th Anniversary, the archive vault has been opened to share several past initiatives and funded programs developed to address the work of the Foundation and the partnerships created to improve the health of the region.

Enabling families and community organization to address preventable health issues, the Foundation focused on modifying behaviors to bring about healthy lifestyles. In 1997, the first two initiatives created to address these concerns were Healthy Paso del Norte and Coordinated Approach to Child Health or CATCH.

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Healthy Paso del Norte Web site

February 6, 2015

The Healthy Paso del Norte website provides health, economic, demographic, and other data for organizational strategic planning, goal setting, and proposal writing. It also allows easy access to funding opportunities, promising practice programs, and current health events within the region. Schools, hospitals, health departments, chambers of commerce, non-profit organizations, and many other groups can use the Healthy Paso del Norte website to investigate and document the health status of the Paso del Norte region, which includes the counties of Doña Ana, Luna, and Otero in New Mexico, the…

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More than $9 million to build Healthy Habits in the region

February 4, 2015

The Paso del Norte Health Foundation awarded a collaborative of partners more than $9 million over five-years under the Foundation’s Healthy Eating Active Living (HEAL) initiative to support the Paso del Norte Institute for Healthy Living (IHL).

Partners include:

Paso del Norte Health Foundation
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center – Paul L. Foster School of Medicine
The University of Texas at El Paso
The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) School of Public Health El Paso Regional Campus

The overall goal of the IHL is to develop…

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Fred Rogers Leadership award "The Trolley"

January 23, 2015

On October 15, 2014, Myrna J. Deckert, CEO of the Paso del Norte Health Foundation received the Fred Rogers Leadership award in Philanthropy from Grantmakers of Children, Youth and Families (GCYF). The award is a plaque with a replica for the “The Trolley” that was featured on the Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood show.

GCYF gives this prestigious award annually in memory of one of the country’s most beloved advocates for children, Fred McFeely Rogers (“Mr. Rogers”). This award recognizes outstanding contributions and leadership by grantmaking staff, trustees and donors in all fields of…

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20 years of serving the Paso del Norte region

January 23, 2015

In 1995, the Paso del Norte Health Foundation was created from the sale of Providence Memorial Hospital to Tenet Healthcare Corporation for $130 million. The Health Foundation is one of the largest private foundations on the U.S.-Mexico border. The goal of the Health Foundation is to improve the health and promote the wellness of the people living in west Texas, southern New Mexico, and Ciudad Juárez, Mexico through education and prevention.

On September 30, 2015, the Paso del Norte Health Foundation will celebrate its 20th Anniversary. To commemorate the occasion, several activities…

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