Funding Opportunity Schedule
The Paso del Norte Health Foundation uses a Request for Proposal (RFP) process to provide funding opportunities to current and potential grantees in our health priority areas. When an open funding opportunity is available, a call for Letters of Intent (LOI) is announced through various communication outlets.
We are pleased to share the 2025 Letter of Intent (LOI) schedule.
- March 4: Think.Change Initiative and Behavioral Health Consortium
- August: Healthy Kids Initiative
- October: Healthy Eating Initiative
- December: Diabetes Initiative
You can stay informed about funding opportunity announcements through the following channels:
- Health Foundation website - www.pdnhf.org
- E-mail notifications - Sign up here
- Social media: Facebook, X or Twitter, LinkedIn @PdNFoundation
- Health Foundation Newsletter: Subscribe here
For Grantseekers
Review current funding opportunities and resources for grant applicants, or sign up to receive notifications for future solicitations.
For Grantees
Access resources, templates, guidelines, and more in our Grantees section.
Awarded Grants
View the list of all grants to better understand the needs of the community and investments of the Foundation.