Primary and secondary data sources are accessed to document health needs.
Request For Proposals (RFP) announcements are distributed throughout the region by various communication channels. If your organization is interested in receiving notification of RFPs, click here.
Program officers are available to discuss ideas for partnerships and welcome suggestions from organizations in the region. For more information on grant opportunities, please call the Foundation at (915) 544-7636 or email health@pdnhf.org.
The Foundation funds programs that further its mission and address one or more of the following priority areas:
Healthy Eating Active Living (HEAL)
Tobacco/Alcohol Control
Mental and Emotional Well-being
Healthy Relationships
Health Leadership
The Foundation uses this term to communicate a coordinated approach to address a health problem. For more information on the current Foundation initiatives click here.
Yes, the Board of Directors may approve multi-year grants; however, grants are evaluated at least annually.
Proposal deadlines are clearly stated on all RFPs. On average, the timeframe is 60-90 days from when the grant opportunity is announced.
It is suggested that you review RFP on how to apply for a grant. Each RFP will outline criteria.
Presently, the Foundation has committed approximately $113 million to the Paso de Norte region.
The Foundation was established in 1995 from the sale of Providence Memorial Hospital to Tenet Healthcare Corporation.
The Foundation is governed by a Board of Directors and managed by a Professional Staff .
The majority of the grant money comes from investment income. The investments are managed to provide a perpetual source of support for the Foundations programs.
Yes, the Foundation does accept donations and bequests; however, does not engage in routine fund raising activities.
The Foundation’s bilingual website contains the latest information on grants, grant opportunities, upcoming events, current news, health topics, and a variety of proactive tips about health and well-being.
The Foundation is committed to improving the health of the Paso del Norte region, and welcomes any suggestions or comments that better the lives of the people living in the region. Submit information to health@pdnhf.org.
The Paso del Norte Health Foundation promotes health and prevents disease in the region through leadership in health education, research and advocacy.