
Attention local nonprofit organizations - Make your voices heard

January 23, 2024

The Paso del Norte Health Foundation (PdNHF) is administering a survey of nonprofits serving El Paso County. If you have not received a link via email and represent a nonprofit organization with a budget exceeding $25,000, kindly click the link below to request a copy of the survey. Your responses will help the PdNHF understand the makeup of nonprofits, including board and staff profiles, organization experiences and needs, financial profiles, and services offered. Your contributions will also improve an understanding of the nonprofit sector for others across the community….

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Health Foundation Announces New Board Officers Members for 2024

January 18, 2024

The Paso del Norte Health Foundation is pleased to announce Annette Cordova-Hoy, MD, as Board Chair and Carlos Fernandez as Board Vice Chair of the 2024 Board of Directors.

As a retired physician, Ms. Cordova-Hoy has served on the board since 2018, including two terms as Chair of the Allocations Committee. Mr. Fernandez joined the Health Foundation board in 2020 and has served two terms as Chair of the Finance, Audit, and IT Committee. He is the Managing Director of Merrill Lynch.

The Health Foundation is also pleased to welcome three new board members elected…

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Healthy Habits to Adopt in 2024

January 18, 2024

As we enter into the new year, it’s the perfect time to prioritize your health and well-being. Adopting healthy habits is crucial for a balanced and fulfilling life. In 2024, let’s commit to making positive changes promoting health, including sensible eating, regular exercise, avoiding tobacco or vaping, and fostering our mental well-being. The Health Foundation supports grantees that work in each of these areas. You can learn more here or at the links below.

1. Sensible Eating:
Choose a variety of whole foods such as fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. These…

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2024 Health Foundation Funding Opportunity Schedule

January 18, 2024

The Paso del Norte Health Foundation provides funding opportunities to both current and potential grantees in our health priority areas using a Request for Proposal process. When an open funding opportunity is available, a call for Letters of Intent (LOI) is posted to the Health Foundation website.

We are pleased to share the 2024 Letter of Intent (LOI) schedule here and on our website at Sign up to be notified by email of funding opportunities. Make sure to follow the Health Foundation on…

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At Risk for Diabetes? Take the Risk Test

January 18, 2024

The Paso del Norte Health Foundation, in partnership with the Diabetes Alliance and the El Paso Center for Diabetes, has been challenging the community to take the Diabetes Risk Test through the launch of new TV spots and other communications efforts.

If you feel like you may be at risk of diabetes, take the Risk Test. By answering a few questions, it will estimate the percentage of risk you may have. The questions include what your age, gender, and race are and the symptoms you may be experiencing, such as increased thirst, urination, and more. At the end of the test, you are given…

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Due Date Approaching for Funding under Diabetes Initiative

January 18, 2024

The final date to submit Letters of Intent under the Health Foundation’s Diabetes Initiative is Thursday, February 1, 2024.

The Paso del Norte Health Foundation seeks Letters of Intent (LOIs) from eligible organizations to provide or support diabetes prevention, early detection, and management programs. Programs may be related to type 1, type 2, or gestational diabetes. Population, systems, and individual-level strategies will be considered. The following categories are of special interest.

  • Diabetes Education and Awareness
  • Capacity and Systems Improvements
  • Public…
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El Paso Opportunity Youth Action Network:

January 18, 2024

Young people in their late teens and early 20s stand a pivotal point as they transition into adulthood. They experience higher unemployment rates than older adults and are often not self-sufficient.

Disconnected young adults (often referred to as “opportunity youth”) are young people between the ages of 16-24 who are neither in school nor working and missing opportunities to earn and learn. Helping these young adults return to work or school provides short- and long-term benefits for them and their community.

In collaboration with several local, statewide, and nationwide organizations…

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Our CEO addresses over 2,000 EPCC students at graduation

December 13, 2023

Paso del Norte Health Foundation/Paso del Norte Community Foundation CEO Tracy Yellen delivered the commencement speech during El Paso Community College’s (EPCC) Winter 2023 graduation ceremony at the Don Haskins Center, celebrating it 100,000th degree.

Tracy addressed over 2,000 graduates and encouraged them to look no further than El Paso’s iconic images – including the Franklin Mountains, Rio Grande River, Star, and Don Haskins Center – to challenge themselves continuously, do the right things, seek mentors, and always give it their all.

“When you look at the Franklin…

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BOOST Members celebrate a successful year

December 13, 2023

Members of the BOOST Network gathered this month to celebrate the end of a successful year with some holiday spirit by wearing their “Ugly Sweater.”

The meeting marks the conclusion of the organization’s 2023 year. Members participated in a training session focusing on considerations for working with youth. The session highlighted preventive measures to divert justice involvement among youth, featuring insights from the El Paso County Juvenile Probation Department.

2023 BOOST Network achievements included:

  • Expanding to over 70 partners.
  • Receiving world-class…
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REALIZE Board Training

December 13, 2023

Looking to join a nonprofit board with an understanding of best practices in nonprofit governance?

REALIZE Board provides workshops and training sessions designed to strengthen nonprofit governance in our region. The Lunch & Learn series curriculum offers one-hour courses on understanding board member roles and responsibilities, nonprofit board structures, fundraising fundamentals, and financial due diligence.

Courses are led by local BoardSource certified trainers. BoardSource is the gold-standard leader in board leadership that supports, trains, and educates nonprofit leaders…

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