
Fired Up for Fundraising: 2017 REALIZE Board Summit

November 16, 2017

The Paso del Norte Health Foundation has partnered with United Way of El Paso County and Community Foundation of Southern New Mexico to host the 2017 REALIZE Board Summit on December 6 in El Paso and December 7 in Las Cruces. Designed for nonprofit board members and executive directors, the lively and experiential Summit will feature internationally renowned fundraising consultant Gail Perry on how fundraising works and where board members and staff fit in.

**Wednesday, December 6, 2017
8 a.m. to noon
El Paso Community College – Administrative Services Center
9050 Viscount,…

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Out-of-School program in Juarez is keeping kids engaged and safe

November 15, 2017

More than 800 Juárez youth have participated in out-of-school programming offered by Organización Popular Independiente (OPI) over the past three years, and now the Juárez-based organization is looking to engage even more kids with support from the Paso del Norte Health Foundation.

The Health Foundation, under its IGNITE Initiative, is providing funding and data to help OPI improve its programming and determine where to focus its growth. IGNITE works to improve a range of health outcomes by engaging disconnected youth across the border region with high-quality programs during…

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Report shares information on increasing healthy food access in the Paso del Norte region

November 15, 2017

El Paso is one of the nation’s fastest-growing metropolitan areas, yet it has fewer supermarkets per capita than most major cities. Access to healthy, affordable food is a critical component of a healthy lifestyle and disease prevention, yet many people living in the Paso del Norte region must travel long distances to purchase food or rely on mom-and-pop shops and convenience stores where fresh fruits and vegetables and other healthy, affordable food options are limited.

The Paso del Norte Institute for Healthy Living (IHL) at UTEP partnered with The Food Trust, a nationally recognized…

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Working with partners to address the mental health needs of the region

November 13, 2017

The Paso del Norte Health Foundation established the Mental Health and Emotional Well-being priority area to reduce the stigma associated with mental illness, increase training for mental health providers and explore structural changes in the region’s behavioral health treatment system to improve access and quality of care. The Health Foundation is taking a leadership role in convening community partners and supporting programs and initiatives that make measurable improvements in the health of the region.

Think.Change Initiative The Think.Change Initiative supports programs and…

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Join the Movement

November 13, 2017

No individual or family should be isolated when confronted with a behavioral health problem. Reducing the stigma often associated with mental illnesses is pivotal when addressing what needs to be done to improve services. The El Paso Behavioral Health Consortium has partnered with other community organizations in support of the “Okay to Say” campaign. The campaign creates a movement for talking openly about mental illness and helping people find the resources and treatment they need.

The Okay to Say campaign is a community-based movement initiated by the Meadows Mental Health Policy…

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UTEP named Backbone Organization for mental health priority area

November 13, 2017

Paso del Norte Health Foundation awarded the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) – Office of Research & Sponsored Projects a grant of $1.1 million over two years to serve in the role of Backbone Organization (BBO) for the Health Foundation’s Mental Health and Emotional Well-being Priority Area. The BBO will provide leadership and expertise to catalyze efforts in the Paso del Norte region.

“The Health Foundation’s ‘Backbone Organization’ grant to UTEP will leverage the UTEP team’s extensive technical expertise and professional networks to build upon existing community partnerships and…

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Mental Health Advocate honored by NAMI Texas

November 8, 2017

Congratulates to Sharon Butterworth, board chair for the Health Foundation. She recently received the Mental Health Professional of the Year Award from NAMI Texas, at the Texas Behavioral Health Funders Network Annual Meeting in Dallas. Sharon has spent more than two decades working to improve services and change perceptions about people with mental health conditions in our region and across Texas.

Elise Banks and Sharon

Left to right: Richard Salcido, Sharon, Jennifer Krautkremer, Denise Uga, and Diane Banks

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10,000 Steps to Better Health

November 8, 2017

Every step you take throughout the day counts!

Health and fitness researchers are finding that people can achieve health benefits by exercising at a moderate level than previously thought.

Two studies published in the Journal of the American Medical Association have confirmed that the lifestyle approach can be as effective as a traditional exercise program. Additionally, many doctors and researchers have found that wearing a pedometer or some form of monitoring device is a great way to track your daily activity, while inspiring you to be more active than usual.

To achieve good…

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Funding Opportunity under the HEAL Initiative

October 31, 2017

The Paso del Norte Health Foundation seeks Letters of Intent (LOIs) from eligible organizations to promote the Health Foundation’s Strategic Plan for Healthy Eating and Active Living (HEAL) Initiative.

Applicants are encouraged to download and read the HEAL Strategic Plan. The Paso del Norte Institute for Health Living serves as the Health Foundation’s backbone organization for the HEAL priority area and evaluates the HEAL programs. Applicants are encouraged to visit the IHL website at


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Health Foundation seeks proposals for the construction of the Playa Drain Trail

October 27, 2017

The Paso del Norte Health Foundation (Health Foundation) seeks proposals for the construction of the Playa Drain Trail - a 3.4-mile trail on the Playa Drain from Ascarate Park to Riverside High School. The Health Foundation was established in 1995 to lead, leverage and invest in initiatives, programs and policies to promote health and prevent disease in the Paso del Norte region.

Scope of Work. The work under this contract shall be for furnishing all labor, materials, transportation and services for the construction and installation of the following work:

  • Implementation of a…
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