Opportunity to Fund Programs related to Healthy Eating
October 15, 2024
The Paso del Norte Health Foundation seeks Letters of Intent (LOIs) from eligible organizations to promote healthy eating behaviors, including fruit and vegetable consumption.
A high-quality diet that includes fruits and vegetables and appropriate daily caloric intake can combat the onset of chronic diseases such as obesity and type 2 diabetes. Healthy eating patterns contribute to children’s healthy growth and development. Adults can reduce their risk of chronic illnesses or manage chronic conditions through a healthy diet.
The Health Foundation is interested in individual, family, and environmental strategies that address barriers to healthy eating. Specifically, it is interested in evidence-based programs that increase individuals’ and families’ knowledge and skills in choosing, preparing, and consuming healthy meals and fruits and vegetables. Environmental strategies, such as organizational practices that promote or increase opportunities for healthy eating, will also be considered.
Schools or school districts should submit proposals for programs offered during the school day. Proposals containing official agreements between non-profits and schools will be considered when the school has a significant financial stake in the program and strong administrative support.
Deadlines & Schedule
- Letters of intent due via the Foundation’s online application system: November 20, 2024
- Invitations for full proposals announced: December 20, 2024 Invited applicants may meet with the Program Officer before submitting a full proposal
- Full proposals due: February 20, 2025
- Notice of grant award: June 1, 2025
- Funding cycle starts: The earliest grant start date is July 1, but later dates may be proposed. Grants will be for one year.
Click here to review the requirements and to access the portal to submit an LOI.
For more information, contact Jana Renner, Senior Program Officer at jrenner@pdnfoundation.org.