Paso del Norte Trail: Funding and Progress Update
November 19, 2024
El Paso County recently received $10.1 million from the Transportation Alternatives program, administered by the Texas Department of Transportation, to support a 2-mile trail segment of the Paso del Norte Trail in the Mission Valley, which will complete 7.3-miles of the Paso del Norte Trail from Fabens to Tornillo.
Phases 1 and 2 of this trail project, one in Fabens and one in Tornillo are currently being designed. Construction is scheduled to be completed by December 2026, and the segment connecting the two trails is expected to be completed by December 2027.
The Paso del Norte Trail has nearly 20 miles completed, with another 28 miles funded for design and/or construction—including nearly all trail segments in the Mission Valley from Ascarate Park to Tornillo. The City of El Paso, County of El Paso, TxDOT, Paso del Norte Health Foundation, and the City of Socorro have provided/secured over $55 million for the design and construction since 2019.
The Paso del Norte Trail is a community-driven, collaborative effort initiated by the Health Foundation to develop a 75-mile county-wide trail. The goal is to create a regionally significant landmark that promotes active transportation, preserves the history and culture of our region, highlights the Rio Grande River, supports economic development and ecotourism, provides educational and volunteer opportunities, and makes healthy living the easy choice for our unique, binational community.
To learn more about the Paso del Norte Trail and related events, visit www.pasodelnortetrail.org. To support the trail, you can donate to the Paso del Norte Community Foundation’s “Paso del Norte Trail Fund.” Your contributions will directly support Trail programming and amenities.