Organizations receive funding in support of Mental Health and Emotional Well-being
October 15, 2024
The Paso del Norte Health Foundation is proud to announce the recipients of ten grants for over $2.4 million under the Disease Prevention and Management Priority Area - Mental Health and Emotional Well-being Initiative. These grants support our commitment to fostering emotional well-being, reducing stigma, and enhancing access to timely treatment. They aim to cultivate community support and inclusivity, ultimately reducing social isolation and fostering a culture of support and acceptance.
Grant Recipients:
Centro Caritativo para atencion de Enfermos de Sida A. C. - $89,993.72
To promote mental health awareness, reduce stigma, and prevent burnout among educational staff in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, through Psychological First Aid (PFA) training.
Comision de Salud Fronteriza Mexico-Estados Unidos - $136,238.65
ROTMENAS: Impulsando un Sistema de salud mental eficaz en Ciudad Juárez
To strengthen the behavioral health system of care collaboration to address the urgent mental health crisis in Ciudad Juárez, marked by a high prevalence of mental disorders and a concerning rise in suicide rates.
El Paso Center for Children, Inc - $38,907.00
Strong Families Community Change Initiative
To conduct parent educational workshops aimed to increase parental resilience, social connections, knowledge of parenting and child development, and social and emotional competence of children, known as Parent Cafés in El Paso, TX.
El Paso Child Guidance Center - $71,124.19
Evidence-based training and education to reduce stigma around child mental health
To expand trauma-informed care, mental health education, and wellness training for caregivers and professionals as a response to their growing demand.
Families and Youth, Inc. - $157,310.00
Local Collaborative 3 (LC3)
To improve the mental health and substance use systems of care, focusing on policy, program, and practice improvements through the Local Collaborative 3’s (LC3) in Doña Ana County.
Family Services of El Paso, Inc - $201,667.68
People Empower El Paso (PEEP) Project
To deliver National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) evidence-based educational programs and training, peer support, and advocacy for policy change in El Paso County.
Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute for Texas - $1,500,000.00
The PdN Center at Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute
A three=year grant to expand mental health and emotional well-being strategies and leverage the Institute’s relationships with state and federal governments and its consulting practice, bringing new investments and opportunities and bettering the mental health of the region.
New Mexico State University Foundation, Inc. - $39,784.80
QPR Training in Southern New Mexico
To reduce stigma in Doña Ana, Luna, and Otero counties by training individuals to communicate non-judgmentally with those at risk of suicide, helping them access resources for managing mental illness.
Paso del Norte Children’s Development Center - $63,913.80
Help Me Grow El Paso – Neurodevelopmental & Related Disabilities Workforce Capacity Building
To address local workforce needs in neurodevelopmental disabilities by providing intensive, interdisciplinary training to emerging professionals from various healthcare and education fields in El Paso, TX.
Project Vida Health Center – $150,000.00
Bilingual Psychiatry Residency Program
To increase the regional collaborative care capacity by expanding Graduate Medical Education (GME) slots in the El Paso region through a Community-Based Psychiatry Residency program.
We commend all grantees for their innovative approaches to advancing mental health and emotional well-being in our region. For more information, contact Sandra Day, Associate Program Officer, at sday@pdnfoundation.org, 915-218-2617.