Working together to prevent violence in Ciudad Juárez
September 18, 2024
The Fundación Paso del Norte, sister foundation of the Paso del Norte Health Foundation, is pleased to announce its partnership with FICOSEC and FECHAC entitled “Entrelazando Redes,” a comprehensive initiative designed to prevent and address gender violence and child sexual abuse in the Riberas del Bravo community of Cd. Juarez. With an investment of over 14 million pesos ($730K USD) from FICOSEC, FECHAC, and Fundación Paso del Norte with matching funds from the Hunt Family Foundation, three key components will be implemented including: 1) grants to support nonprofit organizations operating programs in Riberas, 2) organizational capacity-building through specialized training, and 3) improved referral protocols in collaboration with public institutions.
The following organizations are participating in Entrelazando Redes: Casa Amiga, Mujeres Resilientes, La Tenda Di Cristo, Salud y Bienestar Comunitario, Sin Violencia, and Vida Integral para la Mujer. These organizations offer legal assistance, psychological support, emergency response, and empowerment and violence prevention activities. Through these efforts, Entrelazando Redes aims to build a strong support network that provides protection and coordinated responses to gender violence and child abuse in the region.
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