A high-quality diet with appropriate daily caloric intake provides essential nutrients, helps people maintain a healthy weight, and decreases their risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and cancer. Evidence associates healthy eating with better health outcomes; however, many people do not consume the daily recommended levels of nutritious foods, such as fruits and vegetables, that make up a healthy diet. The Health Foundation’s focus in the Healthy Eating initiative is educational programs, such as nutrition and cooking classes, that influence behavior in selecting, preparing, cooking, and eating healthy foods and policy and promotion activities that encourage healthy eating.

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Foundation Staff: Jana Renner

Healthy Eating

Awarded Grants

Project Title Organization Grant Amount
Children's Home and Comedor Arbol de Vida $164,560.74
Improving Child Health with More Vegetables and Fruits Border Partners $123,803.90
Boys & Girls Clubs Nutrition Education Program Boys & Girls Clubs of El Paso $45,544.86
Canutillo, CATCH on to Healthy Eating! Canutillo Independent School District $41,360.00
Alimentación saludable para jóvenes Centro de Asesoria y Promocion Juvenil, A.C. $74,800.00
Nutricion Consciente Ciudadanos Comprometidos con la Paz, A.C. $221,375.00
Cooking and Nutrition Education Innovation for a Healthier El Paso Common Threads $481,889.10
Community Optimization and Expansion of Taster Space, a Food Education Program Desert Spoon Food Hub $134,208.00
Sabrosa Vida Cooking Program El Paso Diabetes Association, Inc. $33,770.00
Asset Inventory of Nutritional Education and Healthy Eating Initiatives in Cd. Juarez Fundacion Paso del Norte para la Salud y Bienestar, AC $18,560.00
FreshStart Program Kelly Center for Hunger Relief $284,900.00
Cultivating Health through Foodways Education in School and Community Spaces La Semilla Food Center $562,251.00
Platos Amigables Organizacion Popular Independiente, A.C. $45,471.35
"Off to a Good Start: Eating our Way to a Healthy Life" Paso del Norte Children's Development Center $126,959.00
“Programa Educativo:" Bocados de Salud " Proyecto Alas AC $61,215.00
Amigos Healthy Eating Program The Mustard Seed Café -- A Community Cafe $44,251.90

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