Mental Health & Emotional Well-Being
Develop, lead, and invest in partnerships, organizations, programs, and communications to promote emotional well-being, reduce stigma and negative bias, and improve access, ease of navigation, and continuity of care for mental and behavioral health services.
The Think.Change initiative is working to build a culture of support and acceptance in the region.
Research demonstrates that increasing emotional well-being, decreasing misinformation about mental illness, improving access to timely treatment, showing that recovery from mental illness is possible, and increasing community support and inclusion will lead to decreased social isolation and an improved culture of support and acceptance.
Behavioral Healthcare Systems Assessments in the region confirm the need for increased communication, coordination, and collaboration among providers of behavioral health services. The Health Foundation and regional leaders have taken important steps to coordinate community partner collaboration and integration of behavioral health services into the primary care setting. These new collaborative structures are paving the way for better patient navigation and continuity of care that allows people to access services and find support where and when they need them. The Health Foundation serves as a neutral facilitator to foster and maintain collaborative structures and explore ways to catalyze or strengthen Consortia informed interventions.