Health Foundation awards 10 grants totaling more than $1M for mental health and well-being programs

Health Foundation awards 10 grants totaling more than $1M for mental health and well-being programs

October 4, 2023

With nearly 1 in 5 people experiencing mental illness, the Paso del Norte Health Foundation understands the need for assistance in the community. The Health Foundation is pleased to announce 10 new grant awards for more than $1 million to provide training, classes, and resources to promote emotional well-being, reduce stigma, and improve access to mental and behavioral health services.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of El Paso - $80,117.95
Equitable Approaches to Build Community Mental Health Resilience
To bring mental health awareness, reduce stigma, and negative bias by implementing Youth and Teen Mental Health First Aid training staff, mentors, parents, guardians, students, board members, and community partners in the greater El Paso area.

Centro Caritativo para atencion de Enfermos de Sida A. C. - $95,000.00
To bring mental health awareness and reduce stigma by delivering Psychological First Aid training to teachers, administrative staff, counselors, and social workers in eight secondary schools in the southeastern part of Ciudad Juárez, MX.

Comision de Salud Fronteriza Mexico-Estados Unidos - $144,901.56
To strengthen the behavioral health system of care collaborative, provide evidence-based training in programs such as the Collaborative Evaluation and Control of Suicidal Tendencies Model (CAMS), and promote policies aimed at improving the emotional well-being of the community in Ciudad Juárez.

El Paso Center for Children, Inc - $43,967.00
Strong Families Community Change Initiative
To conduct parent educational workshops aimed to increase parental resilience, social connections, knowledge of parenting and child development, and social and emotional competence of children, known as Parent Cafés in zip codes 79930, 79915, 79835, 79838, and 79902, in El Paso, TX.

Families and Youth, Inc. - $169,041.00
Local Collaborative 3 (LC3)
To improve the mental health and substance use systems of care through action teams working on specific policy, program, and practice improvements to achieve an ideal behavioral health system of care through the Local Collaborative 3’s (LC3) in Doña Ana County.

Family Services of El Paso, Inc - $207,805.68
People Empower El Paso (PEEP) Project
To provide National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) evidence-based programs and to strengthen NAMI El Paso as a central mental health peer support, advocacy, and education provider in El Paso County.

New Mexico State University Foundation, Inc. - $66,225.64
Autism PEERS
To implement the Autism Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills (PEERS) for at least 32 teens or young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder, their parents, or guardians in southern New Mexico.

Paso del Norte Children’s Development Center - $68,750.00
Help Me Grow El Paso: Neurodevelopmental Workforce Capacity Building
To address the urgent local workforce needs in neurodevelopmental disabilities by training emerging professionals to address holistic and cultural needs while engaging in cross-discipline collaborative care through a pilot program in El Paso, TX.

Texas A&M University – $97,845.00
Colonias Project Cares
To reduce mental health stigma by improving emotional well-being and access to care through connectivity strategies for El Paso and Hudspeth Counties.

The University of Texas at El Paso - $55,379.00 Pensamientos y Platicas: A Mental Health Engagement Program To provide a community-grounded mental health engagement program called Pensamientos y Platicas, designed to support social connection, reduce mental health stigma, and remove barriers to seeking and accessing care to 100 participants in El Paso, TX.

For more information, contact Sandra Day, Associate Program Officer, at, 915-218-2617.

Mental Health & Emotional Well-Being

PDNHF Initiative: Mental Health & Emotional Well-Being

Develop, lead, and invest in partnerships, organizations, programs, and communications to promote emotional well-being, reduce stigma and negative bias, and improve access, ease of navigation, and continuity of care for mental and behavioral health services.