Health Foundation awards new grants for healthy eating & physical activity

Health Foundation awards new grants for healthy eating & physical activity

July 18, 2022

The Paso del Norte Health Foundation recently awarded 14 grants totaling more than $2 million under the Healthy Living priority area. The Healthy Living, Disease Prevention & Management, and Health Leadership are the three priority areas that drive our work, in partnership with organizations that implement initiatives and programs to improve health in the region.

Arbol de Vida - $160,587.77
Children’s Home and Comedor
To provide nutritious meals and physical activity to 100 children five-days a week in Rancho Anapra and Loma de Poleo in Ciudad Juárez, MX.

Border Partners - $165,852.50
Border Partner’s HEAL 8
To provide opportunities for healthy eating, through community and home gardens, healthy meals, and nutrition education, and active living, through community and school active game and sports events in Palomas, MX.

Centro de Asesoria y Promocion Juvenil, A.C. - $69,300.00
Construyendo espacios saludables para niños y jóvenes
To provide strength, endurance, and safety training and establish youth cycling, parkour, and skateboarding clubs for 200 youth in Ciudad Juárez, MX.

Ciudadanos Comprometidos con la Paz, A.C. - $154,882.80
Movimiento Saludable
To provide healthy meals and physical activities for 250 children and nutrition education to 60 parents in Ciudad Juárez, MX.

Common Threads - $212,905.00
Hands-On Cooking and Nutrition Education for El Paso Students and Families
To implement interactive cooking education programs for 850 children, grades kindergarten through 8th, and 530 adults in partnership with schools and community organizations in El Paso County, TX.

Desert Spoon Food Hub - $173,626.00
Expansion and Adaptation of TasterSpace, a Food Education Program
To implement a food education program to improve food literacy and fruit and vegetable consumption among 200 3rd-5th graders in El Paso, TX.

El Paso Diabetes Association, Inc. - $37,609.00
2022 Sabrosa Vida Program
To conduct six Sabrosa Vida nutrition and cooking classes and two spin-off classes for a minimum of 60 people in El Paso, TX.

Kelly Center for Hunger Relief - $238,480.00
FreshStart at Kelly Center for Hunger Relief
To provide case management and nutrition and physical activity education to a minimum of 330 food insecure adults, moving them towards a more independent and food secure life in El Paso, TX.

La Semilla Food Center - $409,291.81
Cultivating health through foodways education in school and community spaces
To provide gardening, nutrition, and cooking training to at least 1,500 students, teachers, and families in El Paso, TX, and Doña Ana County, NM.

New Mexico State University Foundation, Inc. - $135,990.46
Youth on the Move
To assemble, package, and market an online professional development course for teachers and students to improve physical activity in middle school and high school students in the Paso del Norte region.

New Mexico State University Foundation, Inc. - $51,253.74
Continental Cooking and Gardening for Adolescents and Teens
To implement a cooking and gardening program for 90 teenagers, ages 13-17, in Las Cruces, NM.

Organizacion Popular Independiente, A.C. - $57,034.74
Chefs en Acción
To provide healthy meal and snack options and daily physical activities to 150 children in Ciudad Juárez, MX.

Paso del Norte Children’s Development Center - $139,886.00
Off to a Good Start: Eating Our Way to a Healthy Life
To train staff and serve 75 children with feeding difficulties and their families in El Paso, TX.

The Mustard Seed Café – A Community Café - $37,436.30
Amigos Healthy Eating and Healthy Living Program
To teach healthy eating and gardening classes to at least 330 participants and receive training to plan for appropriately portioned meals at the café in El Paso, TX.

For more information, contact Jana Renner, Senior Program Officer at or 915-218-2616.

Healthy Eating

PDNHF Initiative: Healthy Eating

Make healthy eating a priority in our community by providing health education, policy, and promotion.

Physical Activity

PDNHF Initiative: Physical Activity

Make physical activity the easy choice for the residents of our region through the promotion of exercise, outdoor activity, and trail and park development and use.