Funding opportunity under Healthy Kids Initiative
August 16, 2023
The Paso del Norte Health Foundation seeks Letters of Intent (LOIs) from eligible organizations to promote the Foundation’s Strategic Plan for the Healthy Kids Initiative.
Specifically, the Health Foundation seeks LOIs
- to increase the number of disconnected youth ages 5-17 years old who participate in out-of-school time (OST) programs. Connected youth are involved in out-of-school time activity, in a safe place, with a caring adult. Connected youth also tend to avoid situations and behaviors that compromise health while engaging in activity that promotes health.
- to increase job readiness, advance education credentials, and systematically expand paid job opportunities for young adults ages 16-24 years old disconnected from school and work. Evidence shows that early adulthood is critical for building new skills through work, obtaining work credentials, and making career decisions.
The following two priority populations are of interest:
OST programs that serve youth between the ages of 5-17 years of age
- Focus on disconnected youth as defined in the strategic plan,
- Reach at least 100 new disconnected youth,
- Offer summer programming,
- Incorporate and strengthen the 6 Cs of Youth Development: Competence, Confidence, Character, Caring, Connection, and Contribution,
- Maintain a focus on increasing connection for youth within the region,
- Offer skill-building opportunities for disconnected high school youth, and
- Address and incorporate healthy behaviors and environments.
Programs that serve young adults between the ages of 16-24 years of age
- Focus on young adults who are disconnected from school and work,
- Reach at least 50 new disconnected young adults,
- Create potential for individual growth through exploring independence and life opportunities,
- Increase opportunities for young adult education and skill certification, especially in areas where such opportunities are lacking,
- Increase opportunities at worksites for apprenticeships or other job training that will enhance occupational paths,
- Produce re-engagement strategies to drive opportunities for young adults, and
- Address and incorporate healthy behaviors and environments.
Applicants are encouraged to download and read the Healthy Kids Strategic Plan.
LOIs will be reviewed, and selected applicants will be invited to submit a full proposal. Applicants are encouraged to meet with Sandra Day, Associate Program Officer, before proposal submission.
Eligible applicants include nonprofit, tax-exempt organizations, including churches and units of government, located in the Paso del Norte Region. Please see the Paso del Norte Health Foundation website, www.pdnhf.org, for more information about grant guidelines.
Deadlines & Schedule
Letters of intent are due via the Health Foundation’s online application system by September 19, 2023.
Invitations for full proposals will be announced by October 24, 2023.
Invited applicants may be required to meet with the Associate Program Officer before submitting a full proposal.
Full proposals are due by December 4, 2023.
Projected funding cycle up to 12 months to start April 1, 2024.
Letter of Intent Format
- Purpose: In 100 words or less, state the purpose or goal of the proposed program with a clear link to one of the two priority populations. Applicants must clearly link the purpose of the proposed program with the goals and objectives in the Healthy Kids Strategic Plan.
- Program Objectives: In 100 words or less, list up to three measurable objectives. These objectives may be modified if a full proposal is solicited.
- Major Strategies Under Consideration: In 300 words or less, summarize anticipated approaches or strategies to meet the proposed program objectives.
A budget is not required for the LOI.
Applicants are encouraged to meet with Sandra Day, Associate Program Officer, sday@pdnfoundation.org, about the LOI or the full proposal. For technical questions about online submission, please contact Juanita Galaviz at jgalaviz@pdnfoundation.org. Please consult the Grantmaking Guidelines under the Grant Center on the Health Foundation’s website.