Awarded Grants

Improve the Regional Response to Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth.

To offer specialized training to OST professionals in the BOOST Network to improve their ability to identify and address child sex trafficking.

Grant Information

Grant Amount: $52,864.31

Project Start Date: April 1, 2024

Project End Date: March 31, 2025


Paso del Norte Center of Hope

Contact: Ms. Nicole Kent-Schiff

Phone: (915) 503-8008

Program Lead

Sandra Day

Phone: 915-218-2617

PDNHF Initiative: Healthy Kids

The goal of the Healthy Kids Initiative is to improve a range of health outcomes by engaging disconnected youth in the Paso del Norte region in high quality programs during out-of-school hours. The Health Foundation refers to “disconnected youth” as people between the ages of 5-17 who are not involved in out-of-school activities or not working, and “disconnected young adults” as people between the ages of 16-24 who are not in school and not working. Evidence indicates that youth who are involved in out-of-school programs are less likely to use drugs, alcohol, or be involved in criminal activity. Well-designed youth activities increase protective factors needed for youth to lead healthy and productive lives.

View Strategy Brief (English)

View Strategy Brief (Español)

Foundation Staff: Sandra Day

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Healthy Kids

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