PdNHF staffer graduates from recognized binational leadership program
October 15, 2015
Nohemi Rubio, Associate Program Officer from the Paso del Norte Health Foundation graduates from the Leaders across the Borders leadership development program organized by the U.S. – Mexico Border Health Commission. The graduation ceremony was held on October 9, 2015 in Phoenix, Arizona. Ms. Rubio was one of 11 individuals selected from throughout the country to participate in the program. She was the only representative for El Paso.
Ms. Rubio was able to complete and present a binational communications protocol design describing best communication practices and a code of conduct that foster respect, collaboration, trust, and binational collegiality. Leaders across Borders is a unique, advanced leadership program that provides a binational venue to work collaboratively with participants from the U.S.-Mexico Border States. Participants enhance their leadership skills, strengthen binational professional networks and gain an in-depth understanding of public health systems and border dynamics that characterize the U.S.-Mexico border region.