
Online out-of-school resource library

August 18, 2020

The Out-of-School Time (OST) Library is an electronic, comprehensive resource for out-of-school time professionals, grant writers, educators, policymakers, researchers, and others looking to increase their knowledge and support on the importance of OST in the region.

The library includes publications, training materials, webinars, tool kits and data on a variety of topics such as positive youth development, school health, and much more. New resources include best practices and reopening guidelines among other tools related to OST and COVID-19.

The library is managed by the Borderland Out-of-School Time Network (BOOST). The BOOST Network is a hub for out-of-school time (OST) providers that work together to identify, explore, and create opportunities that increase the quality and effectiveness of their programs for youth in west Texas, southern New Mexico, and Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua. Since 2015, the Network has reached more than 300 OST and non-profit professionals throughout the Paso del Norte region.

If you are interested in being part of the BOOST Network or would like to submit resources to the library, contact Enrique Garcia at

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