#NAMICares, #PDNHFCares

#NAMICares, #PDNHFCares

May 15, 2019

The Paso del Norte Health Foundation is supporting NAMI El Paso during Mental Health Month by promoting the importance of caring for others as part of NAMI National’s “Why Care” campaign.

Research shows that recovery from a mental illness, including addiction, occurs best in a caring supportive environment that promotes acceptance and prevents social isolation. “CARE” is an action, feeling or gift given to ourselves and to each other. People feel loved when someone cares. People feel heard when someone cares. People recover when someone cares. Society changes when people care. Entire systems change when people care.

NAMI has been a beacon of help and hope by providing the support, education and advocacy to ensure that all people affected by mental health conditions get the care they need and deserve.

Get involved and share your “Why Care?” message on social media with the following hashtags: #NAMICares #WhyCare #PDNHFCares

For more information, click on this link to view NAMI El Paso video or visit namiep.org.