Funding Opportunity for nonprofit organizations in COVID-19 Recovery, Preparedness, and Transformation

Funding Opportunity for nonprofit organizations in COVID-19 Recovery, Preparedness, and Transformation

October 5, 2020

The Paso del Norte Health Foundation (Health Foundation) seeks Letters of Intent (LOI) from eligible organizations to support recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, prepare for a potential second wave or future crisis, and transform their operations for future success.

As the Paso del Norte region begins to emerge from the devastating immediate impacts of COVID-19, the Health Foundation seeks to support nonprofit organizations in their organizational recovery, preparedness, and transformation through grant funding and technical assistance.

Qualified organizations are asked to complete an LOI to begin the process. LOIs will be reviewed and selected applicants will be invited to submit a full proposal. Applicants are encouraged to participate in RFP workshops specific to Recovery, Preparedness and Transformation. For more information, contact Michael Kelly, Vice President of Programs for the Health Foundation at before submission.


Nonprofit agencies 501(c)(3), 509(a)(1), 509(a)(3), international organizations designated by executive order, or exempt operating foundations; organizations formed outside the United States, Private Non-Operating Foundations, Veterans Groups under 501(c)(19), Fraternal orders under 501(c)(10), Trade Associations under 501(c)(6), Labor Unions under Section 501(c)(5), and Social Welfare Organizations under Section 501(c)(4) within the Paso del Norte region are eligible to apply.

In addition, under this LOI and subsequent RFP, the Health Foundation seeks to avoid funding for:

  • Costs covered by the federal CARES act(s), municipal, county, or other government entities
  • General support or agency operations
  • Replenishing savings/endowments or general lost revenue

Deadlines and Schedules

LOIs, and subsequent invited proposals, will be accepted in two rounds. As needs are dynamic and organizations are learning, applicants may submit one proposal each round for any planned approach for organizational recovery, preparedness, or transformation as defined in the RFP. There is not a predefined sum of funds for any specific activity or round of grants. Organizations that might require a different, perhaps accelerated, schedule should contact a Health Foundation Program officer.

Round One
LOI release date: October 5, 2020
LOI due date: November 6
Invitation to submit full proposal: November 18
RFP Workshop and Webinar: TBA
Proposal due date: December 18
Grant start date: February 1, 2021

Support to Applicants and Funded Agencies

Because of the unique nature of this call, the Health Foundation plans to offer pre-recorded virtual sessions to assist in the LOI and proposal preparation stages of this process. In addition, technical support and other opportunities will be available for funded organizations.

The three pre-recorded virtual sessions seen below, can be found on our website under the Funding Opportunity page, for all interested applicants.

  • RFP Overview and a Deep Dive on Recovery
  • Scenario Planning and Crisis Preparedness
  • How your Balance Sheet can Survive a Crisis and Organizational Transformation

To view these virtual sessions, click here.

Contact Michael Kelly, Vice President for Programs for the Paso del Norte Health Foundation at if you have any questions or concerns.