Fred Rogers Leadership award "The Trolley"

Fred Rogers Leadership award "The Trolley"

January 23, 2015

On October 15, 2014, Myrna J. Deckert, CEO of the Paso del Norte Health Foundation received the Fred Rogers Leadership award in Philanthropy from Grantmakers of Children, Youth and Families (GCYF). The award is a plaque with a replica for the “The Trolley” that was featured on the Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood show.

GCYF gives this prestigious award annually in memory of one of the country’s most beloved advocates for children, Fred McFeely Rogers (“Mr. Rogers”). This award recognizes outstanding contributions and leadership by grantmaking staff, trustees and donors in all fields of children, youth and family philanthropy. The award was announced at GCYF’s annual conference in Detroit, MI.

GCYF promotes effective grantmaking that integrates research, policy and practice that brings about systemic change for children, youth and families together. Their commitment creates a strong cross-section community and philanthropic leadership that advance equity through a large-scale movement and collective action for social change. For more information, visit