Foundation awards new grants under Two Should Know Initiative
November 6, 2014
The Paso del Norte Health Foundation recently awarded seven grants totaling more than $2.1 million under the Healthy Relationships Priority Area – Two Should Know initiative.
The overarching goal of the initiative is to effect long‐term improvements in sexual health across the life-span and reduce negative health outcomes in the Paso del Norte region. Newly funded organizations are:
Center Against Family Violence - $221,607.10 No Means No - Good to Go
To provide No Means No sexual violence prevention presentations to approximately 13,000 middle and high school youth in El Paso County.
Child Crisis Center - $549,468.76 Teen Talk: Teens Thinking Smart
To provide the Teens Thinking Smart sexual health education program to 1,300 at risk youth and teen panel presentations for 8,000 middle and high school youth in El Paso and Hudspeth Counties.
City of El Paso - $304,150.00 FOCUS El Paso
To provide the FOCUS sexual health education program to 1,400 youth and young adults in area transitional living centers and local technical schools. The City will also provide sexually transmitted infection prevention education to 7,400 STD clinic clients with support for partner notification.
Families and Youth, Inc - $236,126.62 Safer Choices
To increase the availability of sexual health education for at least 200 youth and their families by addressing teenage pregnancy prevention, sexually transmitted infection prevention, and sexual violence in Doña Ana County, New Mexico.
Healthy Futures of Texas - $25,000.00 Advocacy & Education initiatives for Prevention of Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy.
To provide general support for Healthy Futures of Texas’ healthy sexuality education and advocacy efforts.
The FEMAP Foundation - $254,122.00 With Sexuality, You Have a Voice III
To provide the With Sexuality, You Have A Voice program in 11 Juárez middle and high schools to serve 13,000 youth. FEMAP will also develop a Positive Sexuality certificate program for educators in Juárez.
The University of Texas at El Paso - $543,951.00 Healthy Miner Sex Positive Peer Education Program
To increase the availability of positive sexuality education for 1,000 UTEP students, ages 16-24 years of age through peer education. This approach will reach an additional 20,000 students through sexual health promotion and disease prevention strategies.
For more information on the Two Should Know Initiative, please call Bianca Aguilar at 915-544-7636 or