EP Behavioral Consortium named a finalist in National Initiative aimed to improve health and well-being
March 24, 2015
The El Paso Behavioral Health Consortium is one of 57 finalists in the running to receive a grant and technical support from the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI). If funded, the grant would go to the Paso del Norte Foundation for El Paso to become a leading community on health improvement, as part of an initiative known as SCALE (Spreading Community Accelerators through Learning and Evaluation). With two years of grant support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, SCALE aims to work with communities to develop capability to improve health and to spread effective community-driven approaches across the US.
PdN Foundation will collaborate alongside the El Paso Behavioral Health Consortium (Consortium) partners to realize an accessible, person-centered behavioral health system of care in the El Paso region. SCALE technical support and grant funding will be used to catalyze collaboration through information and knowledge exchange to drive maximization of resources and expansion of accessibility and services.
The Consortium is working to prepare El Paso community behavioral health service and support systems in preparation for future service needs and funding trends. If funded, PdN Foundation will play a lead role with the Consortium to realize the Consortium partners’ vision of an accessible, person-centered behavioral health system of care in the El Paso region.
Results will be announced mid-April.