El Paso trail work represented at the Texan by Nature Conservation Summit
April 19, 2021
The Paso del Norte Trail, which is one of six projects recognized for the 2020 Conservation Wranglers award by Texas by Nature was recently highlighted at the virtual Texas by Nature Conservation Summit.
Jana Renner, program officer for the Paso del Norte Health Foundation, shared with Summit attendees the unique partnership between the Health Foundation and public entities to promote strategic regional trail planning and project implementation. This included the development and implementation of a master plan for a 68-mile county-wide trail in El Paso County, which includes a segment led and funded by the Health Foundation for the design and construction of a 3.4-mile hike/bike Playa Drain Trail from Ascarate Park to Riverside High School.
The project has engaged stakeholders to develop more trail segments and promote the trail through walking and biking events, tree planting and conservation projects. Trails offer communities a positive benefit related to economic development, health, and safety.
The Texan by Nature Conservation Summit is a yearly event that focuses on bringing conservation and business leaders together for rich, impact-focused dialogue and networking.
To learn more about the Paso del Norte Trail, click here or visit pasodelnortetrail.org.