A Healthy Paso del Norte 2016

A Healthy Paso del Norte 2016

June 21, 2017

A Healthy Paso del Norte 2016 was developed by the Coalition for a Healthy Paso del Norte to identify health priorities and establish objectives to improve health outcomes across the Paso del Norte region. It is an update to the 2012 Strategic Framework for Health, which was the first major effort in the region to develop a collective set of health priorities and goals.

The report is a result of collaboration among health department, nonprofit organization, university, hospital and healthcare leaders in El Paso, southern New Mexico and Ciudad Juárez. The health indicators identified in the report come from the Healthy Paso del Norte website (healthypasodelnorte.org), which was developed three years ago by Coalition members to provide easy access to a range of health, economic, social and demographic data and is currently managed by the he Paso del Norte Institute for Healthy Living to provide a living, breathing set of data by which to measure change along with evidence-based strategies and other resources to improve health.

Ultimately, the Coalition believes that establishing a shared set of priorities and measurable objectives will increase awareness of key health challenges and focus attention on collective efforts required to make permanent improvements to health and quality of life in the region.

The Paso del Norte Health Foundation extends its sincere appreciation to the many individuals and organnizations who contributed to the Healthy Paso del Norte 2016 Report.

For more information, contact Paso del Norte Institute for Healthy Living at (915) 747-6449.

Click on link below to review the full report.
Healthy Paso del Norte 2016 Report