2020 COVID-19 Community Outreach Request for Proposals

2020 COVID-19 Community Outreach Request for Proposals

December 14, 2020

The Paso del Norte Health Foundation (Health Foundation) is pleased to invite proposals for Community Outreach Worker (promotora outreach) programs designed to address the dynamic COVID-19 pandemic.

The Health Foundation has a 25-year history of thought leadership, collaboration and grantmaking to promote health and prevent disease in the Paso del Norte region. As modern lifestyle chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer are leading causes death and disability, the Health Foundation’s focus over this time has been on lifestyle behaviors, such as smoking, exercise, and nutrition that prevent or precipitate these diseases. Today, we face a communicable and infectious threat with the emergence of COVID-19.

Non-profit agencies and units of government, including universities, that have demonstrated experience with promotora outreach and are within the Paso del Norte region are eligible to apply.

Topics of Interest:

The Health Foundation seeks organizations to:

  • Recruit and train promotoras related to COVID-19, community services, and related topics
  • Supervise and deploy promotoras for COVID-19 related outreach
  • Coordinate with other organizations who have promotoras to leverage resources
  • Use Reduce the Risk materials, that will be provided


Nonprofit agencies 501(c)(3), 509(a)(1), 509(a)(3), international organizations designated by executive order, or exempt operating foundations; organizations formed outside the United States, Private Non-Operating Foundations, Veterans Groups under 501(c)(19), Fraternal orders under 501(c)(10), Trade Associations under 501(c)(6), Labor Unions under Section 501(c)(5), and Social Welfare Organizations under Section 501(c)(4) within the Paso del Norte region are eligible to apply.


The proposal must be submitted through the Paso del Norte Health Foundation online application system by noon on January 4, 2021. Proposals may not be considered for funding if submitted after the due date and time.

Applicants are encouraged to email Michael Kelly, Vice President of Programs for the Health Foundation, at mkelly@pdnfoundation.org with any questions regarding this RFP.