Sharing our community stories

Sharing our community stories

May 23, 2023

In early January, El Paso was selected as a stop in StoryCorps’ mobile tour to collect stories from people in our community. The Paso del Norte Health Foundation and Paso del Norte Community Foundation were invited to help bring to life the verbal stories of several of our community partners, grantees, funds, and friends.

StoryCorps’ mobile tour has traveled across the United States collecting stories from people in every corner of the country to remind one another of our shared humanity, to strengthen and build the connections between people, to teach the value of listening, and to weave into the fabric of our culture the understanding that everyone’s story matters.

More than 60 audio interviews were recorded and archived in English and Spanish on topics related to family, community, resilience, advocacy, education, culture, and much more. Each story has been collected and archived at website to listen to and preserved for future generations to learn about at the Library of Congress American Folklife Center.

To listen to all interviews, click here or visit and search stories/El Paso.

Share with family and friends and keep the conversation going about our wonderful city and people.