Local food pantry program featured in recent published book for approach in providing more than food to clients
May 24, 2021
The Fresh Start program at the Kelly Center for Hunger Relief is one of the food pantries featured in Dr. Katie S. Martin’s recently published book Reinventing Food Banks and Pantries for its approach in providing pantry clients more than food. The Fresh Start Program, partially funded by the Paso del Norte Health Foundation, offer case management, referrals, and wraparound services to increase self-sufficiency and food security. Participant goals include securing employment, finishing a degree, and learning English. Participants also attend nutrition and fitness classes and volunteer at the pantry or other agencies.
Dr. Martin has researched a number of food pantries across the U.S., including the Kelly Center. Her research shows that individuals who receive food and case management to work on goals increases their food security and diet quality. One of the first graduates of the program is quoted in her book: “This program not only has the heart and humility of supporting and motivating members to have a ‘Fresh Start,’ more important, they guide you with love while helping you put your desires and goals of life in order. They connect you with the many services that you need for your own personal growth.”
To learn more about the Kelly Center’s Fresh Start program, visit kmfp.org. To order a copy of Dr. Martin’s book, click here.