Emily Hartmann named New Deputy Director of PDN HIE
February 17, 2016
The Paso del Norte Health Information Exchange (PDN HIE) is pleased to announce the appointment of Emily Hartmann as Deputy Director.
Hartmann brings experience in health care consulting and analytics to the PDN HIE. She has also worked on health initiatives for the city of Chicago and the state of Massachusetts.
Paso del Norte HIE is a collaboration of major healthcare partners in the El Paso area. The purpose of the PDN HIE is to share clinical data between healthcare providers to improve health and medicine.
Major partners include: City of El Paso Department of Public Health, El Paso County Medical Society, El Paso First Health Plans, Las Palmas/Del Sol Healthcare, Paso del Norte Health Foundation, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso, The Hospitals of Providence, and University Medical Center of El Paso.
For additional inquiries or questions, please contact Jon Law at 915-242-0674.