Healthy Eating Active Living - HEAL U offers information for health professionals
April 11, 2016 by Leah Whigham
Despite the many years of education received by physicians, nurses, and other health care providers, very few receive adequate training related to obesity, nutrition, and physical activity. And yet, the majority of our population – about 2/3 of people – are overweight or obese. Obesity is a complex disease that requires a complex approach in order to address it and the many other chronic diseases that are associated with obesity. The Paso del Norte Institute for Healthy Living (IHL) with support from the Paso del Norte Health Foundation is hosting HEAL U on Saturday, April 23rd on the University of Texas at El Paso campus. HEAL U is a mini course designed for health professionals with a focus on healthy eating, active living, and obesity.
Without the proper training and tools, health care providers have a challenging time addressing the needs of their patients when it comes to losing weight, maintaining weight loss, improving nutrition, and increasing activity levels – and yet numerous studies show how even small improvements in these areas have big impacts on health and disease prevention.
The day will start with a myth-buster presentation to set the facts straight about obesity. Subsequent presentations will cover the causes and treatment of obesity, exercise as medicine, and creating a welcoming clinic for clients with obesity. The HEAL U course will end with a networking lunch. There is no cost to attend the course, but registration is required. William Beaumont Army Medical Center, will provide eligible participants with Continuing Medical Education (CME) credit. Visit to register. Seating is limited.
The IHL is focused on developing strategies throughout the region to improve nutrition, increase physical activity, and decrease sedentary behaviors. Some of these strategies target individuals, while others target organizations or schools, but the IHL has also identified the health care system as an important sector. This course is the first of a series of professional development training opportunities that the IHL will offer to health care providers in the region.
Tracy Yellen, Paso del Norte Health Foundation CEO, explains that “the Institute for Healthy Living and the Health Foundation recognize the critical need to combat the obesity epidemic in our region. We are committed to creating partnerships focused on implementing evidence-based practices to promote healthy eating and physical activity.” For updates or more information, call the Paso del Norte Institute for Health Living at 915-747-6449 or visit