2025 Think.Change Initiative call for Letter of Intent (LOI)
Release Date: March 4, 2025The Paso del Norte Health Foundation seeks letters of intent (LOI) from eligible organizations to further the Health Foundation’s goals under the Think.Change initiative to reduce stigma and negative bias associated with mental health and substance use conditions. The LOI must include one of the following interest areas:
• Implementation of evidence-based training to reduce mental health and substance use-related stigma and bias among people (i.e., teachers, landlords, service industry workers) who have frequent contact with individuals with a mental health condition and are less likely to receive on-the-job training.
• Implementation of evidence-based education for individuals and families with lived experience. Programs may address emotional well-being, mental illness and substance use conditions, symptoms, management, and treatment options.
• Implementation of evidence-based navigator training for individuals willing to serve as peer support, system navigators, or volunteer presenters, including people with lived experience.
The Health Foundation uses the LOI process to welcome various proposals from diverse applicants. After review, the Health Foundation will invite selected applicants to submit a full proposal.
Mental health and emotional well-being are described as an overall positive state of one’s emotions, life satisfaction, sense of meaning and purpose, and ability to pursue self-defined goals. The term is inclusive of behavioral health and recovery from conditions related to mental illness, substance use, and addiction.
Mental Illness Stigma Defined
Corrigan and Gelb (2006, 2014) define mental illness stigma in two forms:
Public stigma - defined as the prejudice and discrimination suffered by people with mental illness when the general population endorses stereotypes, and Self-stigma - defined as the injury to self-esteem when a person with mental illness internalizes stigma.
Positive social environments also play an integral role in mental and emotional well-being and in preventing adverse health outcomes (Hatzenbuehler, 2011). The World Health Organization (2005) explains that stigma about mental disorders and discrimination against individuals with mental illness and their families prevent people from seeking mental health treatment. Research supports the idea that individuals with more mental illness information are less stigmatized than misinformed individuals (Penn, Couture, 2012).
What We Will Fund
Health Foundation’s Role in Reducing Stigma and Negative Bias Associated with Mental Health and Substance Use Conditions
Reducing stigma and negative bias is crucial to mental health and emotional well-being. Public stereotypes and self-stigma limit individuals’ opportunities for good jobs, safe housing, adequate health care, and social relationships.
The burden of mental illness is among the highest of all diseases, and mental disorders are among the most common causes of disability. People with untreated mental health conditions, including children and adolescents, are at high risk for many unhealthy and unsafe behaviors, including alcohol or drug use, violent or self-destructive behavior, and suicide.
Key Dates
Deadlines & Schedule
Letters of intent are due via the Health Foundation’s on-line application system by April 3, 2025.
Invitations for full proposals will be announced by May 15, 2025.
Invited applicants may be required to meet with the Associate Program Officer before submitting a full proposal.
Full proposals are due by June 19, 2025.
Projected funding cycle start date is November 1, 2025, but other dates may be proposed.
Eligibility Criteria
Eligible applicants include nonprofit tax-exempt organizations, including churches and government units located in the Paso del Norte region. See the Paso del Norte Health Foundation website, pdnhf.org for more information about grant guidelines.
Service Region
The Paso del Norte Health Foundation operates in a unique binational environment, which stretches across two countries and three states. This region serves the 2.4 million people living in El Paso and Hudspeth Counties in far west Texas, Doña Ana, Luna, and Otero Counties in southern New Mexico, and the municipality of Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico.
April 3, 2025