• 2017 Annual Report
    Building Layers of Wellness

  • Playa Drain Trail

    Building trails to increase physical activity and
    make active living the easy choice for residents.

    Learn more. →
  • Registered
    Building on the number of
    registered dietitians to improve
    healthy habits in the region.

    Learn more. →
  • Woody L.
    Hunt School
    of Dental Medicine

    Building the future workforce for oral health.

    Learn more. →
  • PharmD

    Building on the growth and
    accreditation of a Doctor of
    Pharmacy (PharmD) program.

    Learn more. →
  • Medical Student
    Loan Program

    Building on the success of the medical
    student loan program and returning
    doctors to practice in the region.

    Learn more. →
  • Empower Change:
    The Paso del Norte
    Center for Mental
    Health and

    Building a system to reduce the
    stigma associated with mental
    illness and increase support
    available in the region.

    Learn more. →
Building Layers of Wellness

The Health

Community organizations are the building blocks for assisting those in need. The Health Foundation values their work and dedication to improve health and quality of life in the region.

Click here for a complete list
of grants funded in 2017 →


In total grant and
contract payments.


Organizations funded.

Priority Areas
and Initiatives

The Board of Directors identified five priority areas to focus our work throughout the region.

Learn more. →
Priority Areas and Health Initiatives

Building Health, Philanthropy and Quality of Life

The Paso del Norte Health Foundation, Paso del Norte Charitable Foundation and Fundación Paso del Norte para la Salud y Bienestar work together for a shared vision: to ensure that the people of our binational, tri-state region have the knowledge, resources, environment and support to live happy, healthy and productive lives.